Thursday, August 4, 2016

A funky old fence

Because I love historical details and the old-timey look, I don’t hesitate when I
am offered salvaged architectural stuff like antique windows or old picket fencing. My friends Melody and Randy dropped off a big pile of that fencing one day. I love the look, don’t you? You drive onto my property and come down into the holler, into the woods, and suddenly you see this quaint old fence and behind it, my tiny log cabin and even tinier greenhouse. Looks like it’s been here for a long time.

A 4-foot high picket fence now goes across the front of the cabin. Even though the cabin is a quarter mile into the property, it feels good to have that definitive border, an additional barrier. I now have a nice spot inside the fence for a small medicine wheel garden. That will be a fun project for next spring.

When I visit the kids in their city homes with amenities, I usually catch some television like HGTV. Last time I was there I saw a show about tiny houses and one designer who came up with the cutest idea to take various lengths of 1x3s, paint them in primary colors and use the pieces to panel a wall. Bright and colorful, fresh and cheery. I have a room that needs walls…and a pile of left-over picket fencing. A fun winter project, I think.

A special thanks to Melody and Randy Strickland –oh, and Tiffany! I hope things are going great for you in Vermont—for the fencing, and to Keith Strickland for all his hard work putting it up.

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